Tsgrooten Antiphonary


Codicological description

image3 non-numbered flyleaves on paper, 338 numbered leaves (two leaves are numbered 49) on parchment, 3 non-numbered flyleaves on paper, 620 x 425 x 150 mm, Brabant (region Antwerp, Mechelen, Louvain), 1522.

41 IV (327) + V (337), catchwords sporadically preserved
Writing and ruling with plummet and ink, one column 257 x 445 mm and two columns 225 x 440 mm (from fol. 136r to 151v, hymnary). Prickings in side margins for ruling purposes sporadically preserved. Later foliating with ink from fol. 1 to 337.

Possibly two hands, littera textualis. 14 borders in Ghent-Bruges style, 42 miniatures (individuated historiated initials), numerous zoomorphic initials and initials representing floral motives, whether or not surrounded by precious stones; numerous initials decorated with penwork or with drollery.

Calfskin binding on wooden boards. Blindstamps tooled with fillets and roller stamps. Chemise leather spine. 7 cords. Two intact locks with locking straps.

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